Seekers of Sunshine
We are the seekers of sunshine; the stompers of storms; the learners of lessons; the I-believe-in-llamacorns.
We are the bakers of banana bread; the eaters of eggs: the chasers of chickens; the I’m-first-out-of-bed.
We are the placers of puzzle-pieces; the runners of roads; the growers of gardens; the I-just-pushed-a-HUGE-wheelbarrow-load.
We are the diggers of daffodils; the movers-of-muck; the painters of pictures; the look-we-built-monster-trucks.
We are the the makers of music; the huggers of hurt; the gigglers of games; the it’s-okay-to-play-in-the-dirt.
I am the writer of words; created by time; with the memories made, by this family of mine.
-Excepts by Erin from the Ferner Family Farm