Ferner Family Farm. From Now On.
The truth is, I am not sure we would have ever slowed down, unless we were forced to do so. I am not sure we would have ever not showed up for something, unless what we were going to was not happening anymore. I am not sure we would have ever chosen to say no to something ourselves unless the choice for us was not an option to make. Even when we are tired, spread a bit thin, and really just need a break, we just keep going; we just keep showing up, and we just keep saying yes. Because that is what we do. It's true.
And now here we are. Here we are with- what seems like- all the time in the world, with nowhere to go and nothing to go to. Here we are with all this time that belongs to us for the first time in a long time- or maybe ever. If there is one thing that I have learned so far in my life, it is that time is precious. Time is a God-given gift. Time is something we do not ever get back.
So here we are with a bit more time than we might not have had otherwise, that we get to spend together; at home- a place that is warm; safe; loud; messy; fun; and that may cause us to lose our marbles every now and then. But, I think, all of those moments will add up to make some of the best kind of memories together during this time, if we let them. I know life isn't always pretty- but it is ours to live.
Here’s to those moments we all will make and remember, with this precious time we are given, that we will never get back.
-Ferner Family Farm, est. March 2019, after taking a leap of faith.
March 2020: celebrating our first year together at this moment, in a place we are constantly learning from and that we love with every ounce of our heart. Here’s to us having this time together right now...that’s all we ever really wanted anyway.