Figuring it Out
Run. Down. Touch. And back. Are they still sleeping? I wonder how time do I have? Gosh, I hope he makes the team. What are my best words to him if he doesn’t? Why is she so stubborn? I need more patience. Should I give up on naps? Will he be okay making new friends next year?
Sprint. Down. Back. Faster.
How can I better coach that client to focus on their day to day effort? Will I have a quiet moment to write my thoughts today?
Breathe. 3.2.1. Go.
Is he working too hard? What can the kids and I do to help more? One more down. Touch. And back. How often will I see my mom when she moves? When can she walk again? Am I doing enough? For her? For them? For everyone?
Sprint. Down. Touch. Finish strong.
And done.
I never truly have all the questions I ask myself answered but when I’m done, the view up ahead always seems a bit more clear than before I started.